I finally started to piece the house together and I would have done more but my borrowed Blackanddecker ran out of power. At least I got the side walls and the back wall assembled. As I was "fitting" the door and windows to the front wall I noticed that I had had a little accident while ordering the new windows...
Jälkeen päin tilaamani ikkuna olikin pienempi kuin jo olemassa oleva! Nyt onkin sitten miettiminen kumpaa ikkunaa tilaan toisen lisää ja mistä.
One of the windows that I ordered wasn't the same one that I already had, it was a bit smaller! Now I have to deside wich one I'll oder one more and from where.
Tässä on mitä muuta paketista tuli. Olen suunnitellut maalaavani kaikki ikkunat vaalean harmaalla jotta ne muistuttaisivat enemmän kiveä.
Here are the other things that I got. I'm planning on painting the windows to look more like light gray stone.
Toisen kerroksen ikkunat.
First floor windows.
Ullakkokerroksen ikkunat.
Attick windows.
Kitchen windows for the foundation and a feature window for the attick.
Pikku ovet.
Small doors.
Julkisivun koristelistoja.
Moldings for the facade.
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